Yesterday it was so gloriously sunny that we unanimously decided to have breakfast out in the backyard. My sister's back is now red where she couldn't reach to slather on sunblock. A sunburn? In gloomy old England? What is the world coming to, srsly.
& OMG I finally met my first live earwig last week in college:
So yeah, them things are as ugly as I expected. I really can't imagine one of those in my ear, ew. Also, there were so many aphids flying around and landing all over us everytime we sat at our spot for lunch. Lucky those were cute. They all turned out to be from the big tree we picked to sit beside for handy shade; the undersides of the leaves were crawling with the green critters. Damn, I've got to take a picture tomorrow.
That aside, thankyou Justin for always being the guy to satisfy my Capri-Sun cravings:
Yes in case you haven't noticed by now, I am hungry, dammit. If you're not going to hand me food, then gimme a break.