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This is a world of dreams and reverie, where I felt the stars explode around me. A grass blade flashed with a gleam as it slashed open a moonbeam, and I stared back breathlessly. As mountains of fruit tumbled out, I barely had the chance to shout; a lingonberry avalanche crashed over me.

title: mmmm
Thursday 26 August 2010 AT 6:55 pm

I've decided to move. My new blog is now located at

This has been a fun place, but for the past what, half a year, I couldn't find any motivation whatsoever to continue. As a person who is used to switching blogs (haha fickle), I reckon this is the solution.

Change your links, all you who still come here. You deserve all my love for that omg, see you over at the other side ;) xx

Sunday 23 May 2010 AT 4:54 pm

The weather these past few days has been too good to be true. Everyone says its not going to last, that they've been using up their Good Weather Quota too quick, shock!horror!shock.
Yesterday it was so gloriously sunny that we unanimously decided to have breakfast out in the backyard. My sister's back is now red where she couldn't reach to slather on sunblock. A sunburn? In gloomy old England? What is the world coming to, srsly.

Pls ignore my disheveled appearance. I love those heart-shaped plates we got for Mother's Day or something from Paperchase :)

& OMG I finally met my first live earwig last week in college:
I know, I know, the focus is all over the place, but hey the little guy refused to stay still. Or at least until Justin buzzed it a few times with Jaye's lighter sparker, but that's another story.
So yeah, them things are as ugly as I expected. I really can't imagine one of those in my ear, ew. Also, there were so many aphids flying around and landing all over us everytime we sat at our spot for lunch. Lucky those were cute. They all turned out to be from the big tree we picked to sit beside for handy shade; the undersides of the leaves were crawling with the green critters. Damn, I've got to take a picture tomorrow.
That aside, thankyou Justin for always being the guy to satisfy my Capri-Sun cravings:
&& speaking of food, I want more of those Korean rice crackers from graze. Too bad I've already cancelled my subscription. Which shops can I buy crackers like that from? :(So good, omg truluv. Also, I need significantly more Pocky and dried apricots in my life.
Yes in case you haven't noticed by now, I am hungry, dammit. If you're not going to hand me food, then gimme a break.

title: sad it just ain't happenin', wish it could be better
Friday 21 May 2010 AT 7:34 pm

Today felt like a whole week, but the entire week itself didn't feel like a long time at all. Weird world is weird.
Anyway, I finished the second part of my Comms mock today and it was well, a big piece of turd-shaped failure. The first part wasn't fantastically done either, but hell, in comparison it must've been top notch. In better news, Thursday was lovely because Doy boy came down to college and we went to town for KFC like old times and then hung out in the park with a giant bottle of Lucozade, dominating the swings and rolling around on grass like idiots. Good times, boys ;)

Also, Big Bang's collab song with Kim Yuna for the World Cup is taking over my brain. The dance is stupidly addictive, here let's get it stuck in your head as well:
(oh taehanminguk, seungri e hamseong, oh taehanminguk, oohwooohwo~)

Their Shouting Korea story clips are hilarious as well, bless them.
So since I'm on about Big Bang, might as well include their latest Japanese release, which is heartbreakingly beautiful, i love it so much. The whole thing is so vintage and feels all Johnny Depp ala Public Enemies, which, omg truluv. The boys all look amazing in their suits (Seunghyun's silver fox is gorgeous) and shit, they should just do ballad tracks more. Been listening to it ever since it came out and I've almost memorised all the lyrics now, yay me. I can go on and on about this, but imma shut up now:

It's Pac-Man's 30th anniversary, omg the classic arcade game. Go relive childhood memories of eating yellow dots to techno music by playing on Google's magic banner before they take it down tomorrow!

title: *O*
Sunday 16 May 2010 AT 3:24 pm

Existing situation:
You are outgoing, but unpredictable and unstable. You like things to go your way, otherwise you become agitated, indecisive and fake in your activities.

Stress sources:
Your current situation or relationship is not up to par, but it cannot improve without help. You hide your vulnerability by holding back affection or being overly expressive. The relationship may be depressing, but the fear of losing too much keeps you around. You want to be independent and free, but fear the future will just be as disappointing. The situation leaves you sensitive and impatient, seeking a quick escape. Your restlessness may destroy the ability to concentrate.

Restrained characteristics:
You try to participate and involve yourself in things going on around; however, avoid conflict and and arguments to reduce stress and tension. You can be emotionally withdrawn, and feel forced to make compromises which makes emotional attachments difficult. Current situations force you into compromising and placing your own hopes and desires on hold for the time being. You are also conceited and easily insulted. You hold back emotionally, but are able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.

Desired objective:
You have a strong desire to contribute and influence others, but it can make you restless. You are driven by your desires and hopes. You enjoy a wide range of activities, but may spread yourself too thin by taking on too much.

Your actual problem:
Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situations or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. You feel misunderstood, used and anxious. You strive to search for new relationships and environments, in the hope that they may offer happiness and peace of mind. You are also feeling held back and restricted from moving forward, and are looking for a solution that will give you more freedom and less obstacles.

THIS. Just, everything about these results. I stand amazed; its like they saw into my brain and picked out my thoughts and feelings right now. It's actually kind of scary, how much of this is true.
(Take the Color Quiz as well by clicking here.)

title: domesododosomedo
Thursday 13 May 2010 AT 10:27 pm

I'm knackered.
Between desperately finishing all my college work, doing a2 exams revision, keeping up with fandom, and generally trying not to collapse, break down or die, I still have to restrain myself from not spending any unnecessary money. I've to keep repeating to myself "save up for Asia, save up for Asia", "nobody's funding you for Taiwan, biiiiitch!" etc whenever I see things I want to buy. I'm too smashed to be bothered to personally trek into shops, but online shopping is now the bane of my existence. MUST RESIST! (oh, the effort!)

In other news, I rewatched The Aristocats last night. Oh, the magic that is classic Disney, i love you long time. Someday I will fulfil my dream of owning all my favourite Disney classic films in good quality, ie. blu-ray, DVD. So far I only have Aladdin sitting pretty in the DVD cupboard, I still definitely need Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Dumbo, Pocahontas, Hercules, Peter Pan, Mulan.. and Fantasia! The 1940 version, because it's just bloody fantastic, who can ignore Fantasia :D
Yes, Disney i love you. And also Studio Ghibli, they can practically own my soul

title: pointy max
Tuesday 13 April 2010 AT 5:28 pm

Yesterday our neighbour's almost two year-old ran from playing outside in the backyard into our house, proceeded to refer to everything as "ball" while throwing said objects simultaneously, dashed into my bedroom, happily clambered on with her dirty hands and feet, rolled among my fortress of bedsheets, pillows, comforters and soft toys, kicked both my pillows down the length of my bed with her exertions, inadvertently wiped her snot and drool on my fresh bedspread, managed to get little flecks of grass and dirt everywhere, and plopped down on my giant banana plushie from Korea.
All this done while shrieking her head off.

I have never felt more inclined to yell at/hit/maul/maim a baby before. I'm not a person who condones child abuse okay! It's just, she was so annoying. Plus, she was dripping snot and drool and germs everywhere. Also, it would have helped if the baby in question was slightly cute.

I'm seriously starting to think that I can't ever be a mother.

title: I like...
Monday 12 April 2010 AT 3:52 pm

デザインフェスタであなたに逢いたい [ OVER-VIEW ] by nora.keiichi.

I like windy days. I like the smell of spring. I like airmail paper. I like watching my fingers while I type. I like nonsense. I like vintage underwear. I like things that are strawberry flavoured (including strawberries). I like dreaming of flying. I like receiving letters. I like songs that make you want to dance. I like daydreaming. I like newborn flowers. I like friendly cats nudging along my ankles. I like skirts that swish. I like the clink of teacups. I like fluttering eyelashes. I like smudgy eyes. I like old suitcases. I like postcards. I like the sea. I like secrets. I like honey eyes. I like ribbons and lace. I like beautiful chains of words. I like fluffy morning clouds. I like the calm after the storm. I like Paris. I like pronouncing "Paris" the French way (it dances on my tongue). I like velvety skies. I like birdsong. I like the sound of typewriters. I like the smell of magazines. I like the light that filters through leaves. I like dewy grass. I like red nails. I like new books. I like reading past midnight. I like the night air. I like stargazing. I like promises that are kept. I like new leaves. I like double consonants. I like blossom trees. I like men with brogues. I like ankle socks. I like listening to music by myself. I like masks. I like finding feathers. I like buttons. I like writing these. I like people who remember my name. I like you, dearest.